When I was a child, I thought that I could see the other side of the world across the ocean.

I never believed myself to be superhuman in this endeavor; on the contrary, I believed that it was something everything but my (at that naïve age) old mother with her ‘failing eyesight’ could see. It was only just sitting on the horizon; a whole new experience just waiting to be reached. Sitting on the beach by my grandparents' house in New Hampshire, the world seemed so small—if I hopped on a boat I could be in another continent by noon, and there were no doubts in my mind that I would someday make that trek...

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

3/20/2007- Dreams (Indian Ocean)

It’s funny because all my friends are asking about the ‘cruise’ and the ‘lack of work’, but the truth is that we don’t have a single day off this entire semester. We don’t have weekends here, and the days off class are all either events of the ship or when we are in port where we get even less sleep hen when we are onboard the ship. I’ve never been so emotionally And physically drained as I am after leaving port. You can’t imagine the effect this is having on people; we literally don’t have a moment to look back and say ‘wow’ because you are either in class, studying, or running around the next part of the world. Sometimes I’ll try and step back before bed and think about where I am, but it seems so surreal. Like now, I’ve always wanted to go to the Indian Ocean after hearing about it as a kid. I’ve always wanted to step on all seven continents. Well, I’m staring at the Indian Ocean right now and I’ve hit two continents in the last three weeks alone, with the third coming up in five days.

It’s like we’re living a dream and in a dream you never realize that it’s a dream, you just keep watching and learning and remembering until you wake up; but by then it’s over and you can’t go back. Everything that’s happened, the things that are happening to me right this minute, are things that I will remember for the rest of my life. I remember when I looked at the stars in Brazil and thought to myself ‘well, this is a moment in my life that I will remember until the day I die’, but it was just another memory, the impact not hitting me until I had a moment to step back later. I’m realizing these things, realizing I’m seeing the universe in pain, suffering, life, death, and hope; but it’s so hard to make them seem real.

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